How drawing is an escape
Drawing has always been an escape and a luxury for me. For many centuries it has been a means of expression and beauty.
Speaking without words, a form of communication which is so influential in the modern day; but equally as influential in the past. From the most famous of paintings to the ones forgotten through history, drawing has been a constant. For a lot of individuals it can be such an important part of education. For visual learners, drawing and seeing pictures can ultimately help them strive. It allows them to respond better to difficult concepts. A way to express yourself and putting your thoughts on paper. I believe that learning to allow your creativity to flourish from a young age can help a child’s development in many ways. It can so often be a breath of fresh air to do something for yourself and drawing is one of those things that you never feel guilty about spending extra time doing.
I have always enjoyed being creative. I loved drawing from when I was very young and this has luckily stayed with me throughout my life. From light sketching to oil painting. I have tried to immerse myself in different forms of art and expand my skills. It has been an escape for me, a way to relax like reading a book or going for a walk. It can transport you and bring you much needed peace. My drawing has always been inspired by nature and wildlife, I always find myself in my garden taking inspiration from the first saplings of spring or the birds foraging in the hedgerows. It has always fascinated me how beautiful nature is and how we should always try to appreciate it as much as we can. But I have also found that drawing is a skill like any other, the more you practice the better you become. When I was younger and drawing all the time, I look back now and think how I have grown in detail and ability. It is a skill that will always improve if you persevere; but it is also extremely rewarding once you’re happy with your artistic designs.
As well as drawing being a refreshing activity, it is also a great way to de-stress and can be used therapeutically at any age. Moreover, It can be an amazing distraction for children and also support their development. It has been shown that drawing can help express children’s feelings through paper instead of speech. For me especially, growing up drawing allowed me to work better with my coordination and improve my cognitive development; but more than anything it is a simple pleasure to enjoy.