About Willow & Wilde Designs


How we started

Willow & Wilde Designs started with an idea in early 2021. To create watercolour art that symbolised the beauty of the English wildlife and the pets we love and care for. This idea was formed by Emily Sturgeon. Having lived in the Kentish countryside for all of her life, she was lucky enough to experience the beauty of wild animals so often crossing her path. This lead her to finding a love for drawing the animals she saw and capturing their unique beauty. She also began to draw her pets as well, specifically her dogs. When she turned 18 she decided that she wanted to make her hobby into a business and hence fourth Willow & Wilde Designs was launched.

Our products

The main purpose of Willow and Wilde designs is to remind customers of the beauty within English nature and also the importance of our pets. Willow & Wilde Designs currently revolves around a line of greeting cards that are crafted and manufactured in England. We believe a simple card can hold precious memories and bring unexpected joy. Our aim is to make sure every card has a personal connection to someone, whether that connection be with a pet in your life or simply the fox that walks through your garden at night.

As Willow & Wilde Designs grows we will be expanding to more than just greeting cards, so stay tuned to see what comes next!

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Unit 9, Honeycrest Industrial Estate,
Lodge Road, Staplehurst,
Kent TN12 0RX

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Willow & Wilde Designs